Submitted by Name: Terry Warner From: Lennoxville E-mail: Contact
Comments: Daniel A. Bolduc is remembered with a brass plaque on the town war cenotaph in Lennoxville.
Second question, are there any members who were MPs (1969-to 72) and were crew on V100 armored cars? A private collector is researching markings. coldwarcollection dot com
Admin reply: Hello Terry it is reassuring to know Daniel's name is inscribed on the cenotaph in Lennoxville. I remember seeing lots of the V100 armored vehicles during my tour in Vietnam but have never personally met any crew members
Added: October 27, 2016
Submitted by Name: Sonia Kelly From: Halifax, Nova Scotia (now living in The Netherlands) E-mail: Contact
Comments: My Father JOHN WILLIAM SIDNEY KELLY May 19, 1945 - February 15, 1970
He was born in Montreal but grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Served in Vietnam 1969-1970. Always in my heart ❤️😥
Admin reply: Thank you for visiting our website Sonya. Deeply regret that your father had to pay the ultimate sacrifice. His name is on our Canadian Memorial Wall and he will never be forgotten. I noticed your dad served with N Co 75th Rangers 69-70. I served with K Co 75th Rangers 69-70. Both N & K Co's stayed in the same camp for a few days so we may have crossed paths!!!!!
Added: July 2, 2016
Submitted by Name: Jon M. Hutchison From: Winnipeg , Manitoba E-mail: Contact
Comments: Served , Three Years in US Army , One year State side , 1966 - 1967. One year South Vietnam 1967 - 1968 , 1st six months with Headquarters Company 554th Construction Engineer Battalion , Cu Chi. Six Months With 588th Combat Engineers Dau Tieng When I arrived In Vietnam my M.O. was Changed From Combt. Engr. to Communications with OJT as a , Fieldwireman , Switchboard Operator and Radio Operator. last year in service was in West Germany. At Completion Of My service Moved to Canada ,became a Canadian Citizen April 10 , 1975
Admin reply: Welcome Home to Winnipeg, Canada Jon. Our club meets the first Wednesday of the month at the Army, Navy, Air Force Club 300-1395 Elice Ave and you would be very welcome to join us. P.S. This year marks the 30th Anniversary of our Association
Added: April 6, 2016
Submitted by Name: Don Gardiner From: City of Two Mountains Que,Canada E-mail: Contact
Comments: Good to find this site I also am a viet Vet Served with 101st B 2501.Now that I know about it I will check in often. Be carefull out there.It is still a Jungle
Admin reply: "Welcome Home" Don and thanks for signing our guestbook. "Airborne"
Added: February 9, 2016
Submitted by Name: r.j.noblett From: brampton.ont. E-mail: Contact
Submitted by Name: Barry From: Alexander E-mail: Contact
Comments: My uncle, Wayne Lindsay 'Willy' Hawes, while a member of the Special Forces, was killed on patrol in Laos in 1969. Other than that I know almost nothing about his service in the US Army. I have his Purple Heart. If anyone knew Uncle Willy, I would like to hear from you.
Admin reply: Hello Barry Your uncle "Wayne" is on our Canadian Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall. I searched the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund "Wall of Faces" hoping to find more information and perhaps a posting of someone who served with him but no luck. If we come across any information on your uncle we shall certainly pass it along. All the best from the members of the Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association
Added: November 23, 2015
Submitted by Name: Roy Lyndon Bentley From: Windsor, Ontario E-mail: Contact
Comments: On November 3, 1963, Dan Stapley and I crossed over to Detroit and went to the US Marine Corps recruiter to get our orders to leave for MCRD San Diego and eventually earn the title of "Marine". After a year of electronics schools, and advancing to Corporal (E-4), I ended up in the 9th Engr Bn and went to Chu Lai, Viet Nam. I had lost track of Dan as he was assigned somewhere other than electronics after boot camp. I was honourably discharged on October 1966. Being a dual citizen, I had lived and worked in both countries during my career. I am currently in Lima, Ohio. I often wonder what happened to Dan and how Canadians serving in a US service and in Viet Nam were counted. I am pleased to find this group.
Admin reply: Thank you Roy for your service in the U.S. Marines and for signing our guestbook. WELCOME HOME! I believe most of us Canadians who served in the U.S. Armed Forces were counted in the State in which we enlisted. We'll probably never know the exact number of Canadians who crossed the border to serve in the Vietnam War. It took a lot of guts and admiration of the U.S.A. for us to go fight in a very unpopular war, half way around the world!
Added: November 20, 2015
Submitted by Name: Stephen Munro From: Connecticut E-mail: Contact
Comments: Looking for Oscar Wiermeyer. He served in both the 101st Airborne and the 173rd Airborne. C/4/503 has it's own web site and reunions and we'd love to see him again. AATW
Added: November 19, 2015
Submitted by Name: Don Halpert From: North Bay, Ontario E-mail: Contact
Comments: I grew up in Windsor, Ontario. In 1964 at the age of 17 I joined the US Army. My father signed the necessary papers and I was off to Fort Knox for basic training. I asked for Armor because I wanted to drive and shoot tanks. If fact, my advanced training was on the M60 Tank. I was sent to Germany, where I spent 18 months. I volunteered for Vietnam and was sent to Cam Ranh Bay. I was the company clerk in the 92nd Finance Division. So much for action and adventure. I did travel around the country and spent some time in Saigon, but was not directly involved in the fighting.
Admin reply: Thank you Don for visiting our website and signing our guestbook. "Welcome Home", and thank you for your military service to America. Tomorrow is Veterans Day in the U.S.A. and of course Remembrance Day here in Canada. Don, that's our day!
Added: November 10, 2015
Submitted by Name: Teri Kavanagh From: Calgary, Alberta E-mail: Contact
Comments: I'm not sure why I didn't think of this before, but I am looking for Mark Reed (or Reid) from Tobermory, Ontario, Canada. We met in the summer 1968 in Calgary, Alberta. Mark was travelling with a friend named Harry. I believe Mark was on his way to San Diego to enlist with the US Navy or Marines to go to Vietnam. I was 8 years old and can't remember which. Mark stayed in touch with my mother, Ann Kavanagh for a few years but eventually communication stopped. I've always wondered where Mark was and what became of him. If anyone knows any information on Mark, please let me know.
Admin reply: Hi Teri, I hope someone sees your post and that you will eventually find Mark Reed.
Name: Terry Warner
From: Lennoxville
E-mail: Contact
Daniel A. Bolduc is remembered with a brass plaque on the town war cenotaph in Lennoxville.
Second question, are there any members who were MPs (1969-to 72) and were crew on V100 armored cars? A private collector is researching markings. coldwarcollection dot com
Admin reply: Hello Terry it is reassuring to know Daniel's name is inscribed on the cenotaph in Lennoxville. I remember seeing lots of the V100 armored vehicles during my tour in Vietnam but have never personally met any crew members