Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association - Manitoba
Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association Index: The Executives - Founding Principles - History of The C.V.V.A. - Canadian Vietnam  Veterans Memorial Wall - Memberships and Dues - General Meetings - Upcoming Events - Past Events - Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 374

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American Legion
We wish to thank the North Dakota American Legion and Dan Stenvold for the following information.

The veterans depicted here have all been where you are. They have dealt with PTSD and suicidal thoughts.  They had the courage to make the call.  So do you!

Information Referral and Crisis in North Dakota Dial 2-1-1

Veterans Suicide Prevention Dial 800-273-8255

ND Veteran's Readjustment Counseling Centers:

701-224-9751 - Bismarck

701-237-0942 - Fargo

701-852-0177 - Minot

ND American Legion Service Officer 701-451-4646


 Post Traumatic Stress Disorder             Information Referral and Crisis 2-1-1

 To Make A Donation                            I'm Just Not Myself Anymore

 Sexual Assault Cases

Click HERE to the ND Department American Legion Website



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